November 22, 2023. Guest Speaker: Peter Vooys: Program Manager, Canadian Canoe Museum.


 Peter Vooys

Peter joined the Canoe Museum staff in 2022, bringing his experience in outdoor education and wilderness travel to his role as Programs Manager. He has worked as a backcountry guide, outdoor centre instructor, summer camp director, and an occasional secondary school teacher.

In 2013, Peter was part of a team that paddled a 26’ north canoe over 5000km across Canada. Over 120 days, they retraced the paddle strokes and portage paths of the of the North West Company from Rocky Mountain House, AB to Lachine, QC. You can read about their Paddle Across Canada Tour here.

Peter has earned a B.PHE, B.Hist and B.Ed (Outdoor & Experiential Education), from Queen’s University, and an M.Ed from Queen’s focusing on canoe expedition pedagogy. Topic Description: The Museum is building a new facility on the shore of Little Lake. Peter will be providing an overview of the Museum, a progress update and a preview of the programs that will be offered. A Q&A will follow.

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