Sept 6, 2023 – Minutes of Meeting

Minutes for September 6, 2023

President Peggy Watton called the Annual General Meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. Peggy welcomed everyone back to Peterborough Probus and our AGM. She hoped all members had had a good summer. Peggy acknowledged the visitors as they stood and introduced themselves.
The annual financial report was provided to the members by Bill Davidson. The closing bank balance as of August 31, 2023 was $1,050.69. Gerarda Bertrand completed a financial review and submitted a statement of compliance. Bill Davidson moved that the financial statement be accepted as read; seconded by Dorothy Ball. CARRIED
Peggy reminded all members that our annual dues were due and to please provide payment to Shirley Barry. Applications for membership are also available.
Mike Hart announced that golf had been very successful over the summer and would continue into the fall, weather permitting.
Marty Lamoureux announced that this year’s car rally would take place on October 12th and invited all to participate and register with June.
Peggy reviewed the current members of the executive team and their positions. She noted that all would be continuing in their roles for the current year. Peggy moved that the Management Team be accepted by acclamation, seconded by Marty Lamoureux. CARRIED
With no other business pending, President Peggy Watton declared the Annual General Meeting adjourned at 10:23 a.m.

Minutes prepared by:
June Lamoureux, Secretary
